
Ancient Greeks created the term ‘kairos’ to refer to the use of time as an application rather than a measurement.  Kairos refers to situational or opportune timing; it creates a particular stance of readiness or awareness of time and place.  Kairos came into existence as an art of rhetoric when ancient Greek and Roman rhetors decided that speech needed to be delivered at an opportune time to be efficient.  They began using Kairos as an instrument that sculpted their arguments around ideal situations.  Rhetors can use Kairos as a tool of deconstructing a rhetorical situation in order to understand the history of the argument and how it has evolved since its origins.  As the audience changes over time, it causes the argument to change as well due to changing demographics, locations, and beliefs. By understanding the history and audience, rhetors can better predict the direction of the debate or be ready to employ an effective argument at the most opportune time to guide the direction of it.  Crowley and Hawhee suggest, “Rhetors can step into a kairotic moment when it appears only if they are well prepared to do so” (Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation, p. 50).  Being prepared entails understanding all of the components of the rhetorical situation at hand, from the history of the argument to its participants and to their positions.

Let us demonstrate both a prepared and unprepared craftsman of a kairotic moment.  A recent global issue is concerning police brutality and racism after recent incidents of innocent African American adolescents, like Michael Brown, being shot by Caucasian officers.  Gun control and racism are two historical debates that have yet to be resolved.  The current issue of police brutality rebirths both of these historical arguments.  A prepared rhetor would use this time to advocate stricter gun control in African American communities as they are facing the consequences of the counterargument.  On the contrary, an unprepared speaker might use this time to talk about the need for stricter border control to prevent illegal immigration.

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